Immigration News

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Q & A: Dual Intent

Q. I am a Canadian citizen and engaged to a south Korean, we planned on getting married in Seoul then having her return with me to Canada, at which time I would sponsor her to immigrate to Canada. She does not require a visa to enter canada as a visitor, just a passport. Could she […]

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Federal Update: Implementation of new Investor Program

As was previously reported in this Newsletter (April 1999 Edition), on April 1, 1999, the Federal government announced the implementation of its new Investor Program. The new rules and regulations only apply to individuals who submit their Immigrant Investor applications after March 31, 1999. As previously reported, the essential changes to the Federal Program can […]

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Case Comments: Summarization of some recent court rulings

Evaluating Personal Suitability: Applicants who apply for a Canadian permanent resident visa under the “Skilled Worker” category are assessed under a “points” system. Under current Federal Selection Criteria, applicants are awarded “units of assessment” for a number of objective factors, such as age, education, occupational background and language ability. In addition, applicants may be awarded […]

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Quebec Update: No More “Shopping Around” for Processing Posts

The Quebec government has recently issued a statement aimed at Canadian permanent resident applicants who intend to settle in the Province of Quebec. According to the statement, all applications for Quebec Certificates of Selection (these are the Certificates issued by the Quebec immigration authorities to applicants “selected” by Quebec for immigration to Quebec) filed on […]

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Q & A: Education Inconsistent with Occupation

Q. Although I obtained my university education in Chemical Engineering, my subsequent profession was in the field of software engineering. I am now interested in pursuing an application for immigration to Canada in the IT sector. Will my previous education be a problem? Answer: You would have to be able to satisfy an immigration official […]

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Current Canadian Economic Indicators

Gross domestic product by industry at factor cost, March 1999 Strong showings in most industrial sectors combined to produce a 0.3% increase in gross domestic product in March. The latest increase extended the economy’s steady expansion since strikes put the brakes on growth in mid-1998. Labour Force Survey April 1999 After rising sharply in the […]

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Case Comments: Summarization of some recent court rulings

Assessing Business Experience: One of the most essential criterion for success in an application for a Canadian permanent resident visa under the “entrepreneur” category is that of “business experience.” Previous success in business and business management is considered one of the leading indicators of future success in Canada as an entrepreneur. As a recent Federal […]

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Legal Update: Meaning of “Residency” for Citizenship Purposes

In order to become a Canadian citizen, landed permanent residents of Canada must satisfy a Citizenship judge that they have “resided” in Canada for a total of at least 1,095 days (three years) during the four years preceding their application for citizenship. The principle behind this residency requirement is that in order to be granted […]

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Q & A: Addressee of Letter of Reference

Q. I will be attending my interview in early May, I am worrying about my employer’s reference letter. The Company won’t write me letter “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN”, the Company has a policy that every letter must state recipient’s address and the purpose clearly, I don’t want the Company know I am applying Canadian […]

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Q & A: Interview Waiving

Q. If an individual applies for immigration through a quicker visa office (i.e., Buffalo) and requests an interview waiver, what if visa waiver is not granted; can he move his interview to a local visa office in that situation because he may not get US visa to come and take the interview in Buffalo. Answer: […]

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Quebec Investor Program Update

The Quebec Government recently announced that the number of Quebec Investor applications submitted since the fall of 1998 has increased dramatically, particularly from Asian applicants. The volume of applications reached an all-time high in the month of March 1999, when over 2,000 Investor files were submitted – the vast majority of them from Asia. On […]

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Case Comments: Summarization of some recent court rulings

Visa officer must advise of specific concerns: In the recent case of Hussain v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship & Immigration), the applicant, a citizen of India, had applied for a Canadian permanent resident visa under the Skilled Worker category. The applicant’s intended occupation in Canada was that of “Executive Secretary” and at his selection interview, […]

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Federal Report On Economic Performance Of Immigrants: The Effect Of Language Skills

A recently released Federal Report sought to determine some of the telling factors that correspond with the economic success of immigrants. Basing itself on income tax returns submitted by immigrants landed between 1980 and 1995 and over the age of 18, the report indicated that individuals who spoke both official languages at landing reported significantly […]

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Q & A: US Fingerprints

Q. I have contacted with my local police department and was informed that they are not allowed to do the finger printing for immigration since last year. The local police department also do not know where to get the finger printing for immigration. How do I get the fingerprints done? Answer: Although it does relate […]

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Q & A: Interview Waiving

Q. I am fluent in French. My self-assessment suggests that I will get 68 points counting this. If I get 68 points, then I go through without an interview. Therefore, how do the authorities know I can speak French at all ? Answer: In the absence of any evidence of your skills in French, an […]

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CCPE refusal due to disruption during the cultural revolution

Following correspondence between members of the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, a shift in the policy regarding informal assessments for cases where applicants’ educations were disrupted due to the Cultural Revolution. The following is the text of the response of the CCPE: At the February 12, 1999 meeting of the […]

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Case Comments: Summarization of some recent court rulings

Visa officer must give weight to financial documents: In the recent case of Jianmin He v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship & Immigration), the applicant, a citizen of the People’s Republic of China applying for a permanent resident visa under the “investor” category, had been asked to bring to his selection interview a series of documents, […]

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Implementation of new Immigrant Investor Program

April 1, 1999 marks the implementation of the new Canadian Immigrant Investor Program. The new rules and regulations will only apply to individuals who submit their Immigrant Investor applications after March 31, 1999. The essential changes to the federal Program can be grouped into two categories. Firstly, the dollar thresholds have been increased. Whereas previously […]

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Q & A: Volunteer Experience

Q. Does part-time volunteer count as the “working experience” in the PR immigration application? Answer: There is nothing in the Regulations which bars the assessment of unpaid work experience in the evaluation of a candidate’s qualifications. Such experience, as with any other experience, must be consistent with the applicable definitions, and the applicant should meet […]

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Q & A: Time Frame Comparison

Q. I heard some months back that the London embassy was very fast in issuing PR (6 months) but last week I was told one guy has got in just 4 months from Buffalo. Answer: In cases where interviews are not required, each office is of comparable speed. In selecting a visa office for submission […]

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Amending Family Status

Applicants for immigration to Canada may include close family members as accompanying dependents. This allows issuance of landing documents to such family members at the same time as those of the principal applicant. There are, however, a number of possible instances in which relations which are not included in an application initially, may be included […]

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