Immigration News

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Q & A: Buffalo Backlogs

Q. After submitting my application to the Buffalo IAPC three months ago, I have not received any notice from them. Is this normal? Answer: The backlogs created around May 1, as a result of the changes in the Regulations at that time, are most likely responsible for the delays that you are experiencing at this […]

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Q & A: Common Law Marriage

Q. I’m hoping someone will be able to answer this question for me. I’ve been dating my girlfriend for the past 2 1/2 years, and we’ve been living together in the US for the last 9 months while I’ve been down here on contract. However, I’m going to be returning to Canada in the very […]

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Q & A: Employment Authorizations

Q. Is it true if you have a Irish passport or a European country in “common market” that you don’t need an employment authorization? Answer: No, employment authorizations are required by any individual other than a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in order to work in Canada. Certain countries may enjoy somewhat relaxed requirements for […]

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Q & A: Negative CCPE Assessment

Q. I received my qualification assessment result from CCPE yesterday. The results is different from what I applied. As I worked as a geological engineer in the field for more than 10 years responsible for the mineral exploration, how can they assessed me as a geologist? Is there any influence for my application to Canada […]

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Q & A: Inclusion of Parent as Accompanying Dependent

Q. Hello, I’d like to accompany my mother to Canada. There surely is no place for ‘parent’ in IMM008; Can I register her as my dependent? I have read a couple of articles on sponsoring parent, after landing. But in my case, I cannot get a permit for migration *unless* the whole household, including my […]

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Letter to Representatives from Bonn, Germany

Dear Madam/Sir, It has been several months since you received our last “Bonn Immigration Service Standards” report which was for the second quarter of 1997. I have not produced one for the third quarter as new developments made our projection of processing times too uncertain to be useful. This interim message is to provide you […]

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Message from Hong Kong regarding Processing Times

“For both new applications and those transferred from offices in the US, the time to interview is roughly the same. Applicants will be advised of their interview time and date approximately six months following initial assessment of the application and initial assessment generally takes four months from the date of receipt of a perfected application. […]

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Q & A: Amending an Application Following Submission

Q. My Permanent Residence was approved recently and I will be getting married before I land in Canada. What procedure(s) must I follow for my spouse to come to Canada with me? Answer: At such time as you marry, you must advise the visa office of such, and return the landing documents for modification. You […]

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Province Wants More Choice of Immigrants

Quebec- The Quebec government plans to increase the percentage of immigrants it selects in a move designed to increase the number of French-speaking newcomers to the province. Speaking to reporters, Immigration Minister Andre Boisclair said Quebec wants the number of immigrants selected by provincial officials – as opposed to Ottawa – to increase from the […]

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Labour Market Shortages in Software Development in Canada

Canadian industry has indicated it is facing a shortage of software development workers which is hurting its competitiveness. These labour market shortages are specific to certain skill sets that cannot be found within the current Canadian labour market. Industry also claims that its ability to attract foreign workers to staff these positions on a temporary […]

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Amendment to Immigration Regulations, 1978 Implemented

As scheduled, the amendments to the Immigration Regulations were implemented as per the proposals tabled by the Minister on March 15 of this year. This amendment, which was prefaced with the claim that it was only “technical in nature,” had the main effect of shifting from the Canadian Classification and Dictionary of Occupations (CCDO) to […]

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Q & A: RRP Validity

Q. I’m a landed immigrant and work in US. My RRP is valid until Feb.1998. Right now I’m facing an urgent personal stuff and had to have a short trip to Canada. My question are 1: When I use my PR visa and RRP to enter the Port, will the customer void my RRP? Answer: […]

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Q & A: “Research Assistant” Experience

Q. Can anybody tell me what the definition of a research assistant is and would my years as a postgraduate researcher working towards a PhD count as work experience? Answer: Research assistant is no longer contained on the General Occupations List. Work experience gained during positions of research during post-graduate research has been repeatedly been […]

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Q & A: Sponsorship

Q1. If an individual wishes to sponsor a fiance(e), is it typical for the immigration authorities to require that a co-signer be available when adequate income is not shown? Answer Demonstration of financial arrangements is required in the case of family class applications. Where they may not be demonstrable, the visa officer may choose to […]

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As of April 18, 1997, the provisions of sponsorship in the Family Class changed. If the application was submitted prior to this date, these changes would not affect the applicant. As of this date, the Low Income Cut-Off figures are the only factor in the determination of eligibility of a sponsor, and only the sponsor’s […]

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Historical Processing Times

The following information has been reproduced with the permission of Lexbase, a monthly immigration law journal, Editor-in-Chief, Richard Kurland, email: The table indicates the time in months that is required to process 80% of all final cases in every overseas immigration processing post for the most recent quarter. Indication is also given of the […]

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Q & A: Impact of New Regulations on Existing Application

Q. Can anyone inform me of the proposed changes to Schedule I and its impact on the pending application process? Answer: If you had already submitted your application, there will be no impact as a result of the proposed Regulations. Comment: Applicants who examine the contents of the proposed amendments will not that this is […]

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Q & A: SVP

Q. If I (British citizen) have 8 years cooking experience in England but no formal qualifications because I learned on the job, can I still immigrate to Canada as an independent immigrant under the occupation of cook? Answer: In the event that you underwent sufficient training on the job, you may satisfy the SVP requirements […]

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Q & A: Submission Outside Jurisdiction

Q. I read in India Abroad that there was a proposal to discontinue the practice of allowing immigration via a third country. Is this true? So, If I am an Indian national, working in the USA and try to apply for a Canadian PR (from USA), will I become ineligible? Answer: Canadian Immigration policy specifically […]

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Critique of Proposed Regulations

The following has been prepared for the benefit of those who may be affected by the amendments to the Regulations affecting skilled workers which have been tabled on March 15, 1997, and for those responsible for the implementation of such. Readers may be aware that the Department of Citizenship and Immigration has proposed changes to […]

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Low Income Cutoff Figures: 1997/98

The following figures indicate the amounts of income required for sponsors submitting applications for members of the family class. Size of Area of Residence Size of Family Unit 500,000+ 100,000- 499,000 30,000- 99,000 Less than 30,000 Rural Areas 1 person $17,132 $14,694 $14,591 $13,577 $11,839 2 persons $21,414 $18,637 $18,239 $16,971 $14,799 3 persons $26,633 […]

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